Becoming Un-Rhyann

I have the tendency to be very Rhyann sometimes. Basically, this translates to me being a little intense, a bit stressed out, overly law-abiding, a perfectionist. 

While these traits are ingrained into my personality, I found that fighting them and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone has made me immensely happy.

One of the things that has truly helped in my transformation is saying 'yes'. I listened to an amazing podcast about a Mormon woman who decided to start saying yes to everything. I found her mentality truly inspiring and made the decision to do something similar. We'll call it my Yes Quest! 

In the past I often said 'no' because of convenience. I always found it easier to sit at home (miserably) alone watching Netflix rather than putting in the effort to go out. It's so silly in retrospect, but it was just the way my mind worked. 

I've done a lot of things in my Yes Quest! so far. 

I went to an electronic music festival on a whim. 

I listen to my feelings instead of bending to make others happy.

I get into bed, ready for sleep, and then get out when I receive a text about a friends meeting downtown. 

I eat what I want and don't worry about it. 

I push myself to talk to people when I'd rather not. 

I picked up my entire life and moved to Portland. 

It may not seem like a lot to the outside eye, but for my naturally introverted self, it's huge. I'm not out to change the essence of my being, but I think becoming a bit more un-me, has made me a better and stronger person.